goshhh, it's already 6pm !
funny how time doesn't pass this quickly when i'm working on a saturday ...
hasn't really been a productive day, but it was great!
spent the entire day sitting on a beanbag watching Gilmore Girls on dvd with lynne, while munching on chips. that is the life !
Cocktail was SO good last night :D
i have to admit it was much better than last year, mostly cos the crowd was more spread out so it wasn't too packed all the time. there were a few things that didn't quite go to plan, but on the whole it was a successful night !
apparently our dance was good, so i think all our hard work paid off :)
quite glad about it all cos everyone was really stressed about it the whole week.
it was just really nice to club with everyone again!! oh, it was a good night.
i guess now that Cocktail's over, it means it's time for serious study ... sigh. i've really been dreading this !!!!