2 down 3 to go!!
bahhh. Human Bio paper. *bleah*
Stupid long answer section!! Three questions and we had to choose one. Hmm. I chose the one that i thought i could answer. Well. I really hope i answered the question right. Other than that, i'll just be happy if i can pass this paper. And it's worth half our semester mark too! -sigh- I need some chocolate.
Well tomorrow's Intro Calc. [that's math]. Not too worried about it so gonna start on Econs and Accounting tonite. I think. But there's Will & Grace on tv tonight!! Ahhh. But i'll definitely start tomorrow, Grace and i are staying back to do some revision together and Mr Flexman will be around too so we can ask him questions.
This is just one of those times that i wish i could either walk or take a bus home from school after my paper. Walk? I could, but that would take me quite a while. Bus? I could too, but then i'd have to wait till 3.35pm when it comes by the school. Grr. Since i can't do either, i have to rely on my parents to pick me up from school! I guess that's not really a problem most of the time, but that means they have to plan stuff around my exam schedule. Every time my dad asks me what time my paper is or what time it ends, he'll say "O dear....." Because he probably made some appointment at that time. See?? More regular buses need to come by school!! Still used to bus services in S'pore i guess, used to buses coming every 15 minutes or so. And i miss taking the bus to lunch [get to walk around too!] after school and then going home. Over here, the bus services mostly rely on bus schedules. At least they're quite reliable...most of the time. But Perth is somewhat bigger than S'pore and so arranging for bus services to come by so often would be a bit hard i s'ppose.
Enough whining for now.