Wow. So many things have happened in the past few days! Won't go into detail about what i did from thursday till now. But i must say that tina, grace and i haven't spent so much time together EVER. lol. From thursday till now, we've been going out and stuff in the evenings and all. I'm surprised we're not sick of each other yet. O wait, i think that'll happen towards the end of music camp.
Well okae. Here's some highlights from thursday till now, some nicer than others!
Official end of exams. Whoohoo!
Dinner at carousel [ shared crepes-bananas, strawberries, ice cream and whip cream and chips].
Walked around carousel.
Went into Target and beeped! I really swear i didn't steal anything from there! You see, i borrowed "the matrix" to watch at Tina's house and so i left it in my bag. So what set the beeping off was the barcode on the video. Damn video. It just so happened that lots of people were around and that both Tina and Grace's mum were standing there talking. Lol. Truly embarrassing.
Watched "the matrix" at Tina's house and have become Keanu fans. Well just in the matrix anyway. *grin*
Reflection day. Okae well this isn't really a highlight but still, no lessons! Didn't really get much out of the retreat, i guess those youth weren't that inspiring. They were pretty creative though.
International social at St. Hilda's. I reckon it was wayy better than the one at our school. I mean better music, better dj. Danced ALOT. lol. Met a few guys, some weirder than others. But no numbers exchanged or anything. Was fun on the whole. Saw this really cute guy too. Wanted to find out his name and whether he was an idiot or anything. It just so happens that one of his friends goes to chinese school and i used to be in the same class as his older sister.
Got his number. His name's Manrose. Although he has a gf so there goes my asking him to be my partner for the dinner dance. So well i have his number but i don't know what to do with it. I mean, what would i say? Lol.
Went to the city.
Bought 2 hip mo toast cds!! Listened to them already. I love them.
Watched "matrix reloaded".
Got chased by some crazy dude [truly traumatic experience].
I've never ever been chased by a crazy guy and i dont want to relive the experience. Grace and i won't be going to that park [Alf Curlewis Park] for a while!
Had dinner at Cafe 26 [grace's parents cafe].
Nice dinner to compensate the traumatic experience. Took random pictures.
Yeap. So now i'm home. Eeeks. Still really freaked out about what happened. But i'll get over it. = ) At least everything else was good!