today was a good day.
went out and i actually bought stuff!
wasn't just one of those window-shopping trips.
very very happy at the moment.
managed to get wilson's bday/christmas present and i even got a 30% discount just for waiting in line. you see, the guys in front of me were taking really long cos there was a problem with the credit card machine thing and so the ladies were really nice and gave me a discount just for being so patient! so *yay*. and then after that, went to 'just jeans' and bought myself this pink stripey top that i've been eyeing for quite a while. to finish off the nice shopping trip, i went and got myself a new hair brush. it's one of those proffessional hair brushes that hair dressers use. very good for styling and everyday use.
so happy with my purchases!
o and we watched a movie today as well - 'elf'.
please don't go wasting your money cos it's not as funny as it looks. it's one of those happy-feel-good movies. geez. well yes. apart from that, today was a good day.
doesn't feel like a saturday at all...