happy anniversary to us !!
it's our 2nd anniversary today !!
ooo wanna hear something kind of spooky ?
well this morning at about 5.30 in the morning, i came out to get a new box of tissue cos my nose was running (ok, you probably didn't need to know that). so i came out from my room the kitchen to look for a box of tissue. as i walked past the living room, i swear i saw a guy (could've been a girl) sitting on dad's leather chair reading or something. well the tv was off, so he/she could've been reading. but i really don't know ! so i asked adit this morning if he was up at 5.30 and he said no, he was sleeping. ahhh !! and i swear it looked alot like him cos of his pyjama (did i spell that rite?) top. and it even turned its head and looked at me ... but obviously every thing was fuzzy (like momo!) cos i didn't have my glasses on. maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me or something, but it really looked like there was someone/something sitting there ...
o yes and dad got me a new graphics calculator from spore but it's completely different from my old one. i still don't understand why he insisted on buying it since it was more expensive there anyway. i'm just slightly irritated cos i have to re-learn how to use the bloody calculator cos ALL the buttons are different. he (my dad) keeps saying, "yeah i'm sure the functions are the same larh". well for me to USE the functions, i actually have to figure out HOW and which buttons and stuff ... so joy! something to do before school starts ! *grr* not exactly what i wanted, but o k. besides, i don't even know if we're allowed to use the hp 49 G in school. kind of hoping that we aren't so that i don't have to learn how to use it on my own. really hate reading manuals.
anyway, we're going out soon so i'm gonna go now. but my parents told us that we were leaving "late afternoon". and now it IS afternoon, well almost. and i could've woken up at least an hour later ...
ok. i'm gonna go now.
toodles !