Despite these rare and welcomed breaks, the family is the heart of the Amish society. Thus, choosing a marriage partner is an important decision. Young people must find a suitable mate within their district or a district that is in "fellowship" with theirs. The typical age for both men and women to marry is 20-25. A few years before, teenagers start looking for potential parnters on Sunday night singings, which take place in the home of the family that hosted the worship service that week. Singings bring together young people of dating age from districts that are in fellowship with one another. At the event, the young men sit on one side of a table and the young women siton the other, and they take turns leading hymn singing. The hymn singing stops around 10 o clock but the young people stay for another hour or so talking and socializing. At the end of the evening, if a boy is interested in a girl, he will offer to take her home in his "bachelor" buggy.
(an excerpt from 'Life in an Amish Community')
hahahha. found this book in the library today during religion when we were meant to be researching ... something else. couldn't resist it, so i had to borrow the book to read on about these Amish. lol. so i'm going to apologise now for any sudden outbursts of odd facts about Amish people. but this book is really quite interesting, kind of makes me realise how fortunate i am NOT to be Amish. i mean, these are the ppl who ban the use of buttons because they were in fashion in Paris and it was a way of displaying one's wealth. o yes, and buttons are usually associated with the military ... and they refuse to wear any fashions or symbols that relate to the military. lol. they're really into the whole uniformity and 'we are one' kind of beliefs. o yes, and they SHUN the use of electricity, movies, television ... so they have to resort to entertaining themselves with needlework and sewing quilts (well these are the women anyway). and the men you ask ? well, they prefer to plough the fields with a horse.
alriteee, enough about the Amish and here's something about MY day. hmm well, school was pretty alrite today actually. didn't mind it at all. was really happy and looking forward to the end of school because we won't have actual lessons till tuesday ! i mean there's still hw to be done of course, but hey ... i'm not complaining about not having school until tuesday.
anyhooo, all the best to those of you whose O level results come out tmr ... !! don't fret. too much.