oo k.
false info in my previous entry ...
turns out i'm NOT going with brian lee to the ball anymore. but yes, i have someone else. at least i can talk to him. decided that i should ask someone whom i actually know and can talk to, cos i mean, if not i won't have fun at my ball and i'll be struggling to find topics to talk about. you see i tried explaining this to veina (the girl who helped to find brian) but talking to veina is like talking to a wall. so go figure. i feel sorry for her that she's been in australia for so long, and yet she finds it hard to understand english. i know she probably doesn't want to be pitied, but every time i see that vacant expression on her face (which is almost all the time), i can't help but feel a little sorry for her. but i think to understand what i'm talking about, you'd probably have to meet her. and you guys probably won't (well except grace and tina who know her already).
hmmm. i get the feeling that i've been pretty mean to everyone around me lately. maybe not all the time, but just occasionally. still, it's not nice to be evil. i guess sometimes i just can't help it. sometimes i wish that we (stef, marsia, heidy, tina, grace and i) were more of a 'group'. i mean sure, we sit together during lunch and recess but other than that, i don't actually talk to the others (meaning stef and heidy). i talk to marsia quite abit cos she's in my homeroom and she tells me stuff, but stef and heidy ... hmm. i dunno, i just think it's cos we're on completely different wavelengths it's not funny. as in i probably can't talk to them about anything else except school - which is pretty pathetic.
anyhoo, just a thought.
i think i should work on being a more tolerant and less-evil person.
i'd like to see how that goes ...