so it's been a while since i've blogged huh . hahah . yes , and i'm finally updating !
well . nothing exciting has really happened this past week . hmm . lemme see ... no . nothing exciting . lol . okae well , except that i'm probably going back to s'pore in january !! *jumps for joy* and i think dad said okae to letting me go to jakarta to stay with tina as well . *yay* so i'm reallyyyy looking forward to that . can't wait till november . wish it wwould just come now ... then we'll all be freee ! no more school !
anyway , until then , there is still plenty of work to be done . but i have started studying though - exams are 2 weeks away . *eeks* really have to do well these , and i want to .
ah yes . finally going to see Troy tmr ! i think i've waited long enough . lol . we've decided to wait till 'van hellsing' comes out in picadilly since it's cheaper to watch it there ... we're such cheapos . i know .
hahah . it's taken me like aaages to finish typing this entry cos i'm quite distracted right now . argh . this is quite a pointless entry , but o well . i'll update again tmr or something ...