what is the world coming to . yesterday , 9 criminals escaped from jail and apparently they just walked out the gates . after which , they hijacked a car (or 2 maybe ?) and that's how they escaped . just like that . really does make you wonder about WA's law enforcement . but the good thing is that most of them have been caught , so they're 5 of them still out there . it's quite scary though , cos they're supposed to be convicted rapists or something like that . hmm .
o yes and then there was some article about this ex-chief policemen (i think . he was some policemen or other .) and he was quoted as saying , "crime . just get used to it ."
gee , that's such a comforting remark to make . so you see , it's no surprise that NINE bloody convicts can escape from jail .
2 more papers to go ! lots and lots of studying for me over the weekend , starting from today . accounting and econs - fun fun fun .
talk about emotional outbursts . finally had one . but it wasn't just about math , there was definitely another cause - i just didn't mention it . just a few things bugging me at the moment and i think they'll continue to bug me for a while .
will someone please come to perth to visit me ?!