had our athletics carnival today - the last one EVER for us . *yipeee* i quite enjoyed myself on the whole , i thought the day was pretty good .
i wasn't actually there when they were allocating events and so marsia just put my name down for some events - i.e. javelin , sack race , flag race , 200 m .
when i found out that she put me in javelin , i just wanted to poke her eyes out . i really can't throw and i don't know how . ended up doing it anyway , wasn't too bad ... at least i got one good throw out of the 3 .
the flag race was tiring and the sack race was the most fun ! haven't done that in ages , but it was the most fun event . lol . pretty difficult and exhausting , i might add . didn't end up doing the 200m cos i can no longer run properly (yes , i've become fat and unfit) . got lisa to run it for me cos she was down as a reserve .
and then finally the time came for the year 12s to do their aths carnival item and i must say that all the houses did a fantastic job (and i'm not being biased here) . this years' items seemed to be more interesting than last years - they made more sense too .
after that , we (tina , grace and i) were supposed to go to garbo . didn't end up doing that cos we had to go back to school to rehearse for the multicultural assembly on tues . soo yeah . stayed still about 5pm .
felt so tired after - still am actually . still got some applic math tuition hw to finish for tmr . going to the curtin uni open day on sunday , hopefully that'll give me some more ideas about what i can do next year . not really planning to go to curtin though .
anyhoo , my head's hurting . toodles .