hello all , and merry christmas !
it's already christmas and i'm going back to perth soon . ahhhh . that's so soon , really wish i could stay longer . oh well .
had a family gathering just now and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be . haha . this is the paternal side and so we're not exactly close to the rest of the cousins , but all in all , we (nette and i) survived it . took quite a lot of photos and met the other halves of cousins . some of them look ... weird . hahah .
anyhooo , spending christmas with nette and ben . baked a brownie just now and only realised that we forgot to put flour after we had poured the brownie into the 'baking tray' . it wasn't exactly a baking tray cos ben made one out of baking paper . soo anyway , yeah , we forgot the flour . soo hopefully our flour-less brownie will turn out ok . haha .
feeling kind of irritated right now , but i don't really know why . hmm . something's just bugging me , but i'm not sure what .
oh yes , before i forget .
(the following msg is for grace)
grace baby !! (haha i know you hate it when i call you that) but hey , it's christmas so i shall call you what i want . ah ha kidding . anyhoo , merry christmas my dear .
when i get back , we have to watch lots of videos . don't forget to add those new ones to the list ok . and thanks for buying american history x . haha huzzah ! we can finally watch it . and btw , we haven't had that johnny/monty python movie night yet .
anyway , miss you girly and i'll see you soon ok :)
till then , have a great christmas and new year !!
oh and p.s. , i'm saving up to get a tattoo next time i come back to s'pore .