happy australia day everyone !
now use this as an excuse to get piss drunk , eat lots and be silly .
anyhoo .
rather happy and excited at the moment . hahaha . it's mostly due to the time (it's 2.08am) , and early mornings usually make me a little high - say it with me , 7.30am insanity . also very happy cos 24G is finally back in perth and we had a nice conversation on msn just now :)
enrolment for uni went very smoothly this morning and my uni card picture is not too bad . it's just that the picture makes it seem as though i have LOTS of hair . lol . oh and guess what ! tina's back !! yay !! finally . going to call her the moment she gets back from the airport .
currently reading gilmore girls transcripts . why ? cos grace found a really good website for them and gave the url to me . sooo ended up reading up on the episodes that channel 9 didn't show the other time (but mostly also cos Jess has many lines!) . yes , we do lead sad lives . but hey , it's really quite amusing .
another thing that keeps me occupied online : launch.com
one of my new favourite websites . managed to find some incubus and strokes videos :) lots of shirtless singing from brandon . woohoo !
okae . gonna go now . i think the hyperness is starting to die down . and HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY once again !! (even if you don't live in australia , have a beer anyway!)