the asia fresher function's over !! awww. well it was pretty fun :) dj dannyboi's really good and things were a little slow at first, cos everyone was all shy and refused to start dancing.
2848456 photos and a few cups of bubble tea later, people started to dance and stuff so it got more fun.
and yes, as with most functions in northbridge, a fight broke out. surprise surprise. kind of ruined the mood for a bit cos people started leaving and stuff. after a while it was ok again and we continued dancing. hahahah. now my feet really hurt ... and i think i'm losing my voice again. grrrr.
the day was going great - i.e. funny moments (eric and i waiting for felix to choose his bloody shoes "but i don't want to wear this pair la! make my feet painful...") , many many photos, funny people dancing ...
AND THEN these (other) stupid bastards had to ruin our lovely night.
bahhh . shall not talk about it anymore. makes me irritated just thinking about it.
oh well anyhoo, bed time i think.
getting sleepy.