things finally seem to be going my way, i'm happy :)
ooh and i have a new phone !! huzzah. that makes me even happier. it's charging at the moment, and i can't wait to use it.
this is completely irrelevant, but i realise that the bush plants around the arts building smell REALLY bad. especially on rainy days... ewww. so disgusting. i like the greenery around uwa, but the bush plants make it smell weird. bush - yuck. reminds me of bushwalking in year 10 camp. hahah.
the parents have left for europe and the house feels kind of odd already. lol. i also just realised how long they'll be gone for, and let's just say it is a really long time. but, they deserve the break!
alrite well i should probably get back to linguistics assignment #6. grrr ... i hope this is the last one for the semester. i'm so over linguistics assignments *twirls hair*.