hello, holidays!
a big HIP HIP HOO! now that the exams are over :)
went and bought myself $1.80 worth of celebratory candy from the chemist, since i'd been craving some of that cheap candy for a while. 12 strips of sour ribbon goodness. mmmm...
anyhoooo, arrived home to what was perhaps the oddest sight: lynne dressed in only a bathrobe playing the saxo-ma-phone. and when i asked her why, she says, "i don't know ... i was packing for music camp and then decided to play my saxophone". oooook ... always knew there was something strange about that child...
eeeks! a cricket just crawled out from under the keyboard. hmm, that reminds me of a dream i had about a cricket that was in the dishwasher. i think i killed it by drowning it in the sink or something. although i don't know how i got it into the sink, cos i'm not one to pick crickets up (be they alive or dead).
ookk, off to play some guilt-free scrabble. yay for being able to do stuff without feeling guilty for not studying!