you know it's christmas time when there are ads on tv with odd-looking pre-primary school children singing christmas carols (not to mention, very badly). and also when you drive past over-decorated houses trying to win the christmas lights competition.
this is totally unrelated but there was a pervy old man on the bus today. i first moved in to let him sit down and he said thank you - a friendly gesture of course. then after a while a whole bunch of ppl i knew came on the bus and he says, "wow you're very popular aren't you?" after some silence he said, "so how do you know them? you're all very pretty girls..."
decided to ignore him for the rest of the bus ride until i had get off. his response to my 'excuse me' was: "awww you're getting off already?" he didn't even move enough so i had to squeeze past him and he put his hands on my arms (while having this smirk on his face). ewww!!
but after telling lynette my story, it didn't seem to compare to hers. heehee.
my dear sister has rebonded her hair to make her look like cleopatra... if you are curious, go to her blog to have a look :)
alrite well gotta go get changed for work. it looks like it's going to rain so i hope everyone stays home tonight, and woolies won't be busy.