since it's before midnight, it's still 2 more days till we leave for singapore.
i have finally unpacked ALL my boxes! decided to do that this afternoon since my room was so messy. figured that it'd be easier to fit a suitcase in there with all my stuff cleared off the floor and what not.
going for a much-needed haircut tmr!
i can't wait to get rid of some of this crazy hair ... it's really going wild and more hair is falling out than usual. if that's not a sign to get a hair cut, i don't know what is.
anywayys, might not get a chance to blog before leaving on tuesday morning ... so if i don't talk to you, then hopefully i will see you soon (if you're in s'pore that is) and if you're in perth (like grace & yas), i will be sure to sms you once in a while so you know that i am alive :)
i will miss you guys lots and if i have enough cash, then i will buy you guys some stuff. or at least a little something.
hmm oh and after watching Gilmore Girls, i have to say that i'm starting to not like Rory. she sounds so much like her grandmother and is starting to get on my nerves. Dean also looks like a dog with his stupid haircut and facial hair, it really disturbs me.
ok well off to bed!
have to wake up really early tmr.
bahhh. the things i will do for a haircut.