There is a blind girl in my linguistics class and i've always admired her for always being so cheerful and nice to everyone. Just yesterday, i noticed that she was on crutches and that she had only one leg. I was just wondering how i had never noticed it before, and today i realised that it was because she usually has a prosthetic leg. That's probably the reason why her legs look lopsided when she walks - i used to wonder why she looked like she was limping.
I still don't know what her name is, but she always comes into class looking cheerful and appreciative of people who help her dodge the tables to get into a seat in the lecture room. She seems a lot nicer than the other handicapped guy in my class ... the one who almost ran me over with his giant wheel chair. I'm not sure what kind of handicap he has, but he sits in this huuuge wheel chair (that seems like a dentist chair on wheels). He swung around and was coming at me quite quickly so i had to run out of the way, and he didn't even say sorry. I was more shocked than angry cos i've never had to dodge an oncoming wheel chair in my life, lol.
today has turned out to be a slightly better day.
i'm just sad cos there's no good tv on tonight : (
in other news,
-Lynne is practising her trombone and it seems more noisy than usual. It's giving me a headache.
-Yas shaved his head for the World's Greatest Shave and now he looks like an NS boy (somehow the word botak keeps popping up in my head). Starting to get used to it and it's fun to flick & rub his carpet-grass-like head, hoping that he doesn't generate static and zap me.
Ok, i guess it's assignment time: my least favourite time