can't believe it's the last day of holidays already! we go back to uni on monday :(
the past month went by so quickly, it's unfair.
went quadcycling with Yas today and i guess we looked pretty silly, which would've explained the weird stares we got from people walking or cycling past (on normal bicycles). $25 for an hr for 2 people is not tooo bad, but i think the novelty kind of wore off after a while. we still got exercise done though, haha.
at about 4ish, mum called to say that they were going to have dinner with their friends and so lynne and i had to take care of our own dinner ... ended up going to Hogsbreath since we budgeted so well in the past week :D
it's kind of unlike me to budget money well ... i'm sure a few of you who know me well enough will agree. but i just have to say that my bank account remains untouched now for almost a week!
unfortunately, this will not be for long cos some time this coming week, i plan to go to Carousel with Grace to perhaps purchase my cocktail dress :) spotted a nice affordable one some time back and i hope it's still there. i realise cocktail's only in september, but no harm being kiasu since there are nice dresses out now.
ho hum.
it's 9.30 on a friday night and i am home. it's quite quite cold outside so i suppose it's much better to be in than out.
think i will go change into some trackies, goodbye!