If you look closely, Dr. Gunther von Hagens looks like he has no eyebrows. But no, they're just very close to his eyes. Currently watching "Anatomy for Beginners" and it's a great show! He just cuts open human bodies like he's cooking up some meat or something. I dont think he's very normal, since he wears this blue suit and a black hat while doing so. But then again, i think anyone with a name like Gunther von Hagens would not be very normal. heh heh, gunther. I dont know why, but i think he'd be a very good cook.
The funniest bit about the show is that his assistant, only known as Martin, is pretty much Gunther's biatch cos he has to do whatever Gunther says (in terms of cutting which organ, part of body etc..). Martin also has this porno moustache and matching blue suit! HAHA. I wish I photo of it.
Now to someone who always gets me worked up: Anne Geddes.
What kind of woman puts babies in things like pumpkins and gift boxes and takes photos of them, because she thinks it's amusing and cute. The mere mention of that woman's name gets me all annoyed! Truth be told, I wouldn't like to be one of those babies.
i think i'm done now.
back to the show!