it is definitely NOT amusing when one is unable to access lecture slides & recordings (oh sorry, Lectopias) from WebCT.
you see, apparently the software on THIS computer is not compatible with this new version of WebCT. just wrote this angry email to complain about this because how the hell am i going to be ready for tomorrow's tute?!!
just when i was all ready and prepared to do some work too! how very convenient ...
since i cannot access today's lecture slides, i will talk about the tasty dinner i had at Sizzler with eric (wong), chermaine, audrey, julie, tony & tash. we ate and ate and ate and ate, then sat around talking for a long time because none of us could move. ended up being the last customers to leave!
i don't believe i have eaten this much in a while ... but the good news is, i managed to keep all the food down. no reflux problem today :D
ok, fecking webCT is still not working and i'm getting upset.
ohwell, i will just have to pretend that i know what's going on in the tute tomorrow ... hopefully i will have things to contribute - slightly scared of this particular tutor.
my eyes are getting tired, goodbye!