i have just realised that my life depends on these few things:
- zantec (so that i can eat a full meal without feeling sick)
- black eyeliner
- facial products
- hair dryer
- MINTS ! for when i actually do feel sick.
it's pretty distressing when i don't have any of these .. lol. ok maybe not so much the zantec, but pretty much everything else.
asian studies research essay due on friday, but i have to get it done by thursday cos i'm working all day friday and can't hand it up. ARGHHH. if all else fails, i suppose i will call in sick.
was reading through the topics for the essay and they're all terrible, and boring. terribly boring! bahh.
really annoyed because all of a sudden i have been rostered on to work and i have horrible shifts:
friday - 0800 to 1800
saturday - 0900 to 1730
at first i thought they were phasing me out because i'm one of the very few casual staff, now it seems they want to drive me away with horrible shifts.
i just can't wait till all the uni madness ends !!!
grr, think i'll go get some tea.
i really like tea :D