hello kids!
I know it's been ages since i've last updated, surfing the net on chinese servers takes way too long so my internet usage has been limited to checking email. This will be a short-ish entry because
1 - i don't really have much to say at the moment
2 - i just wanted to let you guys know that i'm still alive with all body parts in tact
Time's passed by so quickly, there's only 2 weeks left of classes and then it's goodbye ChinaI have to say i've enjoyed myself a lot here and i don't really want to go home, because that would mean having to face the start of uni and other commitments. But at the same time i really miss you guys in Perth and can't wait to party it up there when i get back :D
Feeling kind of crappy at the moment because uni-related things aren't working out too great and i'm not really sure how to make things better for myself.
Lots of stuff has happened in the past few weeks so i shall fill you all in when i get back. Trust me, it'll be worth the wait !
Not really in the mood to type a proper entry, plus there's too many things to say and i can't be bothered typing it all up. But you may leave me a comment just to say hi or whatever, starting to miss speaking english, haha.