In the toilet today, this guy walked in hurriedly. He headed straight to where i assume the urinals would've been in the male toilet, and it took him about 5 seconds to realise that he was in the wrong toilet before walking out again.
Went to RPM (aka mad cycling class) this morning and now my legs feel wobbly. Quite pleased that even though i can't actually cycle, i can still get the same workout on a stationary bicycle. At least this way there's no risk of me falling off because i've lost my balance, it's great.
I know i whine about the weather a lot, but it's just getting increasingly warmer. This weather is rubbish! Bahh.
Been having this huge craving for Frankie. Wish i could subscribe to it but i don't have enough funds in my bank account right now. They don't even sell the magazine in the uni newsagent anymore, what has the world come to.
Ok time to go!
My joints are getting sweaty & sticky (and i'm just sitting here).