So last night's Charity Dinner was a success, well most people seemed to enjoy themselves so i see that as success . Can't be bothered talking a whole lot about it, so I will just let the photos do the talking ...
julie getting auctioned off, pity our favourite person didn't bid for her, haha
mike & leon
performance by Drunken Cats Killing Monkeys (or was it Dogs ... i really can't remember although i should)
acapella performance by Wajipha (wa-jee-pa)
top 3 girlies :)
joan & paula talking about Be Kids & the volunteer work they do
some of our table, don't know where the others went
kim's table
michael's table
with grace
the lonster
joan & paula from Be Kids (yes, i know i'm standing really straight, how awkward)
juuulezZzZz & me
with kelly from SheMoves
Part two of photos will come soon ... when i get them off other people :)
Bed time for me, gooodnight !