music camp 2003
i'm back!!
just got back from music camp!!
it was really funn!!
we worked on 3 songs in choir: "danny boy", "wondrous love" and "the wooing of a girl".
the last song was really funny. It's by Bella Bartok and it's one of those challenging pieces of music. There were some words that went like this:
Tell me why you come and go, daily near my dwelling.
This is why i come and go, daily near your dwelling.
You have a daughter, a marriageable daughter, marriageable daugh-ter.
that's one section of it. Keeping in mind that this is a 3 part harmony song so the 1st and 2nd sopranos and altos mostly sing different lines. Another bit is:
S1: i have no daughter.
S2:she has got no daughter...
S1: i have no daugther here...
A:no daughter here.
A: do not lie, at the fair i saw her. She was selling apples, here are some she sold me, still inside my pocket see how i treasure them.
O yes. and this song is known for it's randomn words like "fol de rol" it's not really a word. It's just one of those words they use for how it sounds. lol.
A: Fol de rol.
Fol de rol de rol.
Fol rol, i shall have your daughter, i shall have your daughter.
I shall have her, i shall have her, i shall have her,!
That's what the Altos [which is my section] sing. lol.
We also did an item for the talent nite.
Amy mimed "Love" by Nat King Cole, while we danced in the background [choreographed and all]. I don't think anyone was really paying attention to us, but it would've been missing something if we weren't there i think. But Amy was really funny, she even had a moustache [which she drew on with eyeliner] and a hat. She looked like a mexican guy, although that wasn't what she was meant to look like. lol. Ended up getting 2nd place. Not bad. The 1st place went to the Year 10s who performed excerpts from a musical that Helen and Catherine [these 2 year 10s] composed themselves. It was really good. The music and words were all original. How cool is that.
Got that song "Soul Bossa Nova" stuck in my head now. For those of you who don't know, that's the song they use in Austin Powers. Go download it, "Soul Bossa Nova" by Quincy Jones. I thought we did a pretty good job on it, it sounds really cool with the 6 trumpets; 2 trombones and a hugeeee percussion section. *grin*
I'm really not a morning person.
Attended one of the most boring masses EVER.
The priest had the most boring, monotonous voice and his homily went on for 20 minutes! He basically gave us a mini history lesson on the deaths of St. Peter and Paul. If he was trying to inspire us, it wasn't working! The hymns we sang weren't too exciting either. They were mostly about how great saints are, how they died as martyrs... a bit disturbing.
The food wasn't too bad, considering it was camp food.
thursday dinner: chicken, rice and misc. vegetables. desert was ice cream with choc. sauce!
on other nites we had stuff like beef with gravy [gravy on anything makes it taste good], creamed cauliflower and apple crumble with custard for desert.
There was also soup on most nites. Pumpkin soup on one nite and then the following nite, there was this soup that looked like diluted pumpkin soup but didn't taste like it and had random bits of vegetable in it. It wasn't too bad but it was hard trying not to think about how they made the soup. [left over Pumpkin soup with leftover vegetables? And since there wasn't enough leftover soup, they poured in water]
But on the whole, i enjoyed camp tremendously!
I think we'll be back next year, since it's our last year in school and our last music camp.
Well, that's the lo-down on music camp. More or less anyway.